Salvia Victoria Blue | Everything You Need to Know About

The Salvia Victoria Blue (Salvia farinacea) also known as Farinaceous Sage and Mealycup Sage is a beautiful herbaceous perennial that is hardy in zones 8-11. It can grow up to 2 to 3 feet tall with many branches and leaves that are green with white margins. The flowers of this plant are deep blue and come from the center of each leaf stalk. The flower heads have small stamens protruding from them, giving them an elegant look. If you want to know everything about growing this plant then read on!


If you want to plant Salvia Victoria Blue in your garden, you should know that it’s a perennial plant. It will grow back year after year and bloom for long periods. You’ll find that this herbaceous perennial is quite hardy as well, Salvia Victoria Blue can thrive in USDA zones 8-11 (14 degrees C – 15 degrees C).

Growing Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Victoria Blue is a hardy herbaceous perennial that makes an excellent choice for your garden. It’s drought tolerant and is often grown in containers to be moved around your property or indoors during colder months. The plant has long bloomer with purple flowers that have a hint of blue, which is what gives it its name: Salvia Victoria Blue.

It’s easy to grow, so if you have any experience with gardening at all, you should be able to take care of this plant with ease!

Watering and Feeding Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Victoria Blue is a perennial herb, so it requires little maintenance. However, good care will help ensure a long life for your plant.

Watering may be the most important factor in keeping Salvia Victoria Blue healthy. If you over-water or underwater your plant, it can lead to death. It’s important to keep your soil moist but not sopping wet at all times during the growing season (spring through fall).

You’ll want to water regularly about once per week and more heavily during hot weather so that there’s always moisture in the soil when you’re watering again next week. If possible, water thoroughly after sundown or on rainy days so that moisture has time to settle into the soil before morning comes around again.

Temperature and the climate of Salvia Victoria Blue

The Salvia Victoria Blue is a hardy herbaceous perennial in the Salvia Family. It is native to the Mediterranean region and grows from a woody base, which makes it ideal for growing outdoors.

It should be planted in the spring and fall, and the ideal temperature range is 62-65°F (16-18°C) during the day, with a minimum of 55°F (13°C).

Soil requirements for Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Victoria Blue is a hardy, drought-tolerant perennial that is easy to grow.  The plant grows best in sandy loam or clay loam soils with a high organic content and good drainage. It will tolerate alkaline soils as long as there is adequate drainage, but it prefers neutral to slightly acidic soils with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5.

Sunlight requirements for Salvia Victoria Blue

The Salvia Victoria Blue is a full sun to partial shade plant. It can be grown under trees and shrubs, as long as there is no competition from taller plants.

Good Companions for Salvia Victoria Blue

Cannas- Cannas are great for adding height and color to your garden, and the flowers will blend nicely with the blue hue of the Salvia Victoria Blue. You can plant them together either in pots or in the ground, depending on your preference.

Calendula- This pretty little flower is known for its healing properties, but it also makes an excellent companion plant because it attracts bees and butterflies while repelling insects that might feast on your other plants’ leaves!

Pests and Diseases of Salvia Victoria Blue

The Salvia Victoria Blue is a perennial herb that requires little maintenance, but it does have some pests and diseases.

  • Diseases: There are not many diseases associated with the Salvia Victoria Blue, but it can be affected by powdery mildew, which causes white spots on the leaves. To prevent this disease, remove any dead or dying leaves from the plant and keep your plant away from other plants that may carry powdery mildew spores. This disease is also more likely to affect plants grown in dry areas or during hot temperatures.
  • Pests: A few insects eat Salvia Victoria Blue leaves and flowers including caterpillars which feed on young plants; mealybugs that suck sap from the stems, mites that live under the leaves, slugs and snails, aphids (small green flies) and Japanese beetles (red-tinted gray bugs). To get rid of these pests you can use insecticides or insect repellents available online such as Neem Oil Insecticide Spray Concentrate.

Read my previous article on: What is eating my Salvias & How Keep Them Away From Your Plants

Pruning Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia victoria blue is a perennial shrub that acts like an annual in the temperate zone. If you live in an area that has cold winters, you should prune it after the first frost. The plant will die back to the ground and then resprout from its roots in spring.

When pruning, you can cut the plant back by about half its size, but only if it’s already flowering—if not, leave it alone.  If the plant has finished blooming, but hasn’t been pruned yet, wait until summer when most of its leaves have died back this way your plant won’t lose too much energy trying to regrow those leaves right away (and also so it doesn’t get sunburned). Then cut off any dead branches with a pair of scissors or hedge clippers while leaving some of them intact this will help encourage new growth at their base.

Propagation methods for salva victoria blue

Salvia Victoria Blue can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and division.

Seeds: The seeds of Salvia Victoria Blue should be sown in a well-drained, sandy loam after all danger of frost is passed. A light covering of compost may be added to hold moisture and aid germination. Seeds can also be sown directly into the garden after the last expected frosts. Space them about 2 feet apart in rows spaced 4 feet apart. After maturity, plants can easily be divided by pulling them up at the base or cutting them off with a sharp knife or shovel at their base.

Division: Plants that grow from seeds will not produce flowers until they are one year old, however, they will produce many bushy new shoots to use as ornamentals instead of blooms during this time if you choose to let them grow instead of dividing right away! All Salvia species are easy to divide simply dig around each plant carefully with a spade or trowel until you reach the main rhizome (the thickened rootstock).

Cut through this section near ground level and allow it root itself before transplanting it into its own pot filled with potting soil amended with organic fertilizer such as blood meal or bone meal if desired (but not necessary).

Cuttings: Take softwood cuttings from actively growing stands between June 1st through mid September when temperatures are above 80 F but below 90 F so that they will have time to develop roots before winter comes again!

Remove any leaves from lower stems using pruning shears before placing them upright into pots filled halfway full with sand mixed with vermiculite mix then fill pots completely up with water so there’s no air pockets left inside (about 5/8ths full).

Planting depth should be approximately 3 inches deep but make sure bottom portion sticks out above surface level so they’ll have enough room for growth once rooted successfully!

Uses for Salvia Victoria Blue

Salvia Victoria Blue is a beautiful and versatile plant that can be used in the garden and home.

In your garden, you can use it as an ornamental plant. It’s perfect for edging beds and borders, or as a focal point in your garden. It will attract bees and butterflies which are great for pollination of other flowers and plants in your garden.

You can also use Salvia Victoria Blue around your porch or patio to add color to your outdoor space. It attracts hummingbirds which are delightful to watch as they feed from their tubular shaped flowers.

You can also use Salvia Victoria Blue indoors as a houseplant. It grows well in sunlight or bright shade and requires little maintenance. You’ll love its long lasting blooms that last up to six weeks at a time!

Apart from many other uses of Salvia Victoria Blue in the garden the leaves of Salvia Victoria Blue can also be harvested for use in cooking as well as in salads or desserts. The flowers can also be used to make tea or pressed into oil for use in crafts such as soapmaking or candlemaking.


Many people want their gardens to be filled with beautiful flowers but aren’t sure what type of plant will work best in their landscape. Some gardeners prefer colorful blossoms while others might want something more fragrant or simply something interesting-looking!

We hope that this article has helped you learn more about the Salvia Victoria Blue. It is a beautiful and versatile plant which can be used in many ways to add color to your garden. With these tips, you should be able to grow this plant successfully in any climate or environment.

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