Salvia Microphylla | Everything You Need To Know About

Salvia microphylla also known blackcurrant sage, graham’s sage or baby sage, is a perennial herb that has a compact growth habit and is ideal for growing in pots or window boxes. It makes an attractive herbaceous perennial that can be grown in shade gardens, woodland gardens and borders. It is a native plant of Mexico and Central America and belongs to the Lamiaceae family.

Salvia microphylla grows up to 3-4 feet tall and blooms red flowers during spring and early summer months through to autumn, depending on the weather conditions.

Growing Salvia Microphylla


The Salvia Microphylla is a drought-tolerant plant, which means you don’t need to worry about watering it too much.

The frequency depends on your climate, but in general you should water the sage moderately that is two to three times per week in spring and summer and once every two weeks during the fall and winter.

Watering can be done with a watering can or hose, but if using a hose make sure it’s not too strong or else you’ll wear out the roots. You want to water until the soil is moist but not soggy, this will help prevent root rot from occurring due to too much moisture seeping into the soil surrounding its roots.


This plant is a sun-lover, but it will tolerate partial shade or even full shade for a few hours of the day. It can be grown outdoors for many years in the south and west sides of your yard where there is no worry about frost damage in springtime. However, if you live in an area with cold winters, you will need to bring your salvia indoors during the winter months.

Salvia microphylla grows well indoors as long as it gets plenty of light. You should try to keep them between 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit as well as give them plenty of light each day (a minimum of six hours).


Salvia microphylla is a plant that loves well-drained soil, so it’s important to have some compost or organic matter added to your potting mix. You can grow this plant in sandy or loamy soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6. The soil should drain well and be slightly acidic as that’s what this type of sage prefers.

If you are growing Salvia microphylla outdoors in the ground and want a deeper hole for them to grow in, add more compost and organic matter before planting. Also consider adding a slow-release fertilizer and mulch around the base of each plant to prevent weeds from growing up around their roots.


Salvia microphylla is a tropical plant, so it needs warm temperatures to grow. The minimum temperature for Salvia microphylla is 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 C). The optimal temperature is between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (19-30 C) with a nighttime temperature of 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 C).


If you want to prune the sage, you should do it in the spring. You can also prune it after the flowers have faded. You should cut back to ground level, which will encourage new growth. This will give the plant a head start on its growing season and ensure that it doesn’t become overgrown or leggy.

You can also prune your sage if you want to control its size (which is generally not recommended). For example, if you’re growing from seedlings indoors and don’t have enough room for them all outside when they’re big enough, then cutting back can delay their flowering season so that they grow up faster before being planted outdoors later on.

In addition to controlling its size by cutting back stems with sharp scissors at any point during their life cycle until late autumn or early winter (when temperatures usually drop below freezing), another way of controlling how tall your salvia grows is by pinching out its terminal buds at regular intervals throughout summer this will promote side branching instead of getting taller each year!


When it comes to propagating your Salvia microphylla, the options are numerous. If you have several plants and want to increase your stock, you can take cuttings.

Cuttings are done by taking sections of the plant above ground and rooting them in water or soil. Once they’re rooted, they should be planted in their own pot to ensure continued growth and health.

You can also propagate your Salvia microphylla by division, this is best done during dormancy when there aren’t any leaves on the plant. When dividing a plant, be sure that each root mass retains some of its original soil so that it doesn’t dry out too quickly during transplanting into new pots after being separated from other roots in one large clump (you can tell if this has happened by looking at where soil meets root).

Uses In The Garden

Salvia microphylla is a low-growing plant with delicate flowers that can be used to fill in bare spots in a garden or mixed with other plants to add visual interest to a flower bed that would attract butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. It also adds color to containers, window boxes, and hanging baskets.

In addition to its beauty, Salvia microphylla has medicinal properties.

Salvia Microphylla can also be used to create a hedge or border around your garden. It is useful for creating privacy from neighbors or passersby when planted along the edge of your yard.

Pests And Diseases

Though Salvia microphylla is a hardy plant, it can still be affected by certain pests and diseases. The most common problem is powdery mildew, which appears as white or grayish patches on the leaves. To prevent this from happening, you should keep humidity levels low in your indoor garden by setting up fans to circulate air around it and allow for good drainage of excess water.

Rread my previous article on: What is eating my Salvias & How Keep Them Away From Your Plants

The Good Thing

Salvia microphylla is a perennial plant, which means it will last for many years in the garden. In fact, it has been known to survive for up to 20 years in some cases! Another good thing about salvia microphylla is that it’s a drought tolerant plant and won’t need watering frequently. This makes salvia microphylla an excellent choice for those who are looking for low maintenance plants that don’t need constant attention and care.

Salvia microphylla will also grow well in your garden if you have rocky or sandy soil conditions. You can plant this native plant in full sun or partial shade depending on how much light your area receives each day.


As you can see, the Salvia microphylla is a great plant to have in your garden. With good care and a place in the sun, it will give you flowers all summer long. This plant is easy to grow and has few problems with pests or diseases so it makes an ideal choice for beginners as well as experienced gardeners alike!

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