Saskatraz Bees Pros and Cons

Beekeeping has been a popular hobby for many years. Beekeeping can be an enjoyable hobby for many people, but it’s also a great way to help the environment and build up your own food source. Bees are responsible for pollinating most of the plants that produce food throughout the world.

Without bees, these plants would die off and humans would have no food sources left at all. Beekeeping is a great hobby for anyone who wants to help the environment and enjoy having honey at home.

There are many types of bees that can be kept for the purpose of honey production, but one of the most popular is called a “Saskatraz Bee”.

The name comes from the fact that these bees were originally bred in Saskatchewan, Canada. In this article we will go over pros and cons of using Saskatraz Bees:

Saskatraz Bees Pros

High honey production

Saskatraz bees are known for their high honey production. This is due to their ability to store more honey than other species of bees, allowing them to survive through the winter months when food sources are scarce. They produce more than other species of Apis mellifera or A. cerana (the two most common types of bee).

Their honey is also of a higher quality, meaning that it is more likely to be pure and unadulterated. This makes it very popular with beekeepers who want to sell their honey at the highest possible price.

Extremely gentle

Saskatraz bees are extremely gentle, which is a huge benefit for beekeepers. They don’t sting or attack people like European honeybees do; they’re easy to handle and work with in the hive.

The fact that they’re so calm makes them ideal pollinators of crops like almonds, which require frequent visits by many bees over the course of several weeks.

Their level of aggression is quite low and they are often able to be handled without gloves. This means that even people who are allergic to bee stings can safely acquire and handle a swarm.

Ease of handling

If you’re into bees, then you know that handling them can be a pain. It’s not that they’re dangerous or anything, they’re just not as easy to handle as some other pets.

For example, if you have a dog or cat at home, you can easily pick them up and cuddle with them whenever you want. But with bees? You’ve got to get all dressed up in protective gear before even considering going near one. And even then, there are no guarantees that the bee won’t sting!

That’s why Saskatraz Bees are so great: they require minimal protection and handling. In fact, they don’t need any special equipment at all—you could pick one up by hand if needed! Plus they aren’t aggressive and will rarely sting humans unless provoked.

Limited Varroa mite infestation

One of the biggest problems facing honeybees today is a parasitic mite called Varroa destructor. This mite feeds on bees, and it can infect them with viruses that cause disease. In order to combat this problem, researchers have been trying different methods such as breeding strains of bees that have resistance to these viruses.

This strain has been shown to be resistant to Varroa mites, and it also has a high resistance rate to viruses associated with them.

Fewer instances of foulbrood

Foulbrood is a bacterial disease that afflicts honeybees and other insects, including bumblebees. It’s the most important bee disease in the world, and it’s spread by spores of the bacteria Paenibacillus larvae. In the United States, foulbrood is present in every state. It’s one of the most important bee diseases that keepers need to be aware of. The disease can spread from hive to hive through spores or infected bees and larvae.

The disease is most prevalent during summer and fall when bees are housed in small, unventilated hives. The disease usually strikes in large colonies that are overcrowded with numerous generations of bees. It can also affect newly established colonies.

The disease can also be spread by humans, who can carry the spores on their clothing, shoes and equipment. The symptoms of foulbrood include dead or dying brood in the hive. The infected larvae are often covered with a brownish-yellow coating. A bad case of foulbrood will kill an entire colony within two weeks.

No, or very few, winter losses

You may already be familiar with the term “winter loss,” which refers to the number of bees that die during the winter months. While there are many factors that can contribute to bee deaths, one common cause is a lack of food resources or poor weather conditions.

Saskatraz bees have a higher than average overwintering survival rate, meaning that your hive will be more likely to survive harsh winters. This is due to the strong genetics of Saskatraz bees, which are known for their resilience in harsh climates.

Saskatraz Bees Cons

Hard to raise

Saskatraz Bees are hard to raise, which means that it takes a lot of time and effort to raise them. It also requires a specialized knowledge of their care and management. In order to make money from Saskatraz Bees, you have to invest in equipment and supplies as well as time and energy. Saskatraz Bees are also very delicate, which means that they have to be handled carefully. If you don’t know what you’re doing or if your equipment isn’t up to par, your bees will die.

Rely on companies

Saskatraz Bees are not a species of bee that can be purchased and bred by the average beekeeper. Instead, they are a special strain of bees that can only be purchased from Saskatraz Bees and then placed into new hives to start breeding. This makes it difficult for Saskatraz Bees to expand quickly because they cannot breed new queens on their own, they must rely on other companies to do it for them.

This means that if you want to buy Saskatraz Bees, you will have to go through their website and place an order. Once they receive your order, they will send you the bees along with instructions on how to install them into new hives.


The question of whether Saskatraz bees are the right choice for you will depend on your location and situation. If you have access to them, or can get them locally, then they may be worth a try! But if not then there are plenty of other options out there too. You’ll have to decide what’s best for your particular situation before making any purchases or commitments though so make sure you do some research beforehand so as not waste money on something that doesn’t work well with what we’re trying achieve here at.

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