Raywood Ash Tree Pros And Cons

The Raywood Ash is a beautiful tree that can be found throughout the eastern United States.

The scientific name for this species is Fraxinus oxycarpa. Common names include Claret Ash and Raywood Ash.It is a member of the Oleaceae family, which includes ash trees, lilacs, privets and olive trees.

The Raywood Ash can reach more than 80 feet in height but is more commonly 40 to 50 feet tall with a 25 foot spread.

In the spring, you’ll see clusters of creamy-white flowers appear on the branches of this tree that resemble little bells or balls of cotton candy. As summer rolls around, small green leaves will emerge from the buds and mature into dark green leaves with serrated edges that turn yellow in autumn before falling off in wintertime.

The Raywood Ash is hardy in zones 5 through 8. This tree grows best in full sun but can tolerate some shade. It prefers well-drained soil, but can tolerate clay, loam or sand soils as long as they are not waterlogged for extended periods of time.

It does not like acidic soils or wet soil conditions very much, but it will tolerate them fairly well when young if there is good drainage present.

The Raywood Ash is considered one of the most adaptable ash trees available today because it can withstand drought conditions better than most other species within its genus (Fraxinus).

Raywood Ash Tree Pros

Commonly used for street trees

Raywood Ash Tree is a common street tree in the United States can also be used in gardens and parks. The trees are known for their wide, flat canopy and their ability to grow at a rapid pace.

Grows quickly

Raywood Ash grows quickly, which makes it a good choice if you want to plant a large number of trees quickly. It can grow up to two feet per year once it reaches maturity. The Raywoods are hardy and require little care once they reach adulthood.

Attractive leaves

The raywood ash tree is an attractive addition to your landscape because of its graceful form and beautiful leaves.

The leaves of the raywood ash tree are dark green in summer with a reddish brown tinge on the underside. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow before falling off for winter.

The bark of this tree is thick and grayish-brown in color with deep grooves running vertically down its trunk from root to tip.

Good for shady areas

Raywood Ash Trees are one of the best for shady areas. They have a short, dense canopy that casts a lot of shade.

Drought Tolerant

Raywood Ash Trees are drought tolerant, meaning they can survive in dry conditions. However, this does not mean that Raywood Ash trees can handle severe drought conditions.

The best way to ensure your tree survives a drought is to make sure it has plenty of water during the first two years after planting.

In order to keep your tree healthy and growing, it is important to check its soil regularly for signs of moisture or dryness. If the soil feels dry, give it some water. You can use a hose or watering can to do this.

If you notice that your tree is wilting or drooping leaves, then wait at least one day before giving it more water. If you water too often while your tree is struggling with drought conditions, then this will only make things worse!

Raywood Ash trees are known as being one of the most tolerant species of ash tree available today due to their ability to withstand droughts without dying off completely like other types of trees may do during times when they receive less rainfall than normal (such as during summer months).

Pests and disease-resistant

Raywood Ash is a popular tree for many reasons. It’s disease resistant, which means it won’t succumb to pests or diseases as easily as some other trees.

This makes it an excellent choice for people who don’t have time to deal with the hassle of having to spray chemicals on their yard and keep an eye out for pests. It is not susceptible to any major diseases or pests, but it is possible that the tree could be attacked by borers.

The tree is also resistant to anthracnose foliage disease and Ash lygusbug, which attacks other Ashes. If you have another type of ash tree in your yard, this may be a reason why you should consider planting a Raywood Ash instead.

Tolerant of pollution

Raywood Ash Trees are a species of tree that can withstand mild pollution. They are commonly grown in cities because they have the ability to thrive in areas with increased levels of carbon monoxide.

These trees are beautiful to look at, but they also provide a great deal of environmental benefit which makes them one of the most popular trees in urban areas.

Raywood Ash Tree Cons

Raywood ash tree don’t produce fruits or nuts

If you’re looking for a tree that will produce fruit or nuts (or both), Raywood Ash isn’t the best choice for your yard because it doesn’t produce of either one. If you want something similar but more productive, try Sugar Maple or Hop Hornbeam instead!

Raywood Ash Tree is susceptible to Verticillium wilt

Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that affects trees and shrubs. It is most commonly found in fruit trees, but can also be found in other plants.

Verticillium wilt is caused by a soil-borne fungus. The disease attacks the xylem of the plant, which is responsible for moving water and nutrients throughout the plant.

Common symptoms of verticillium wilt include yellowing leaves and brown patches on the branches or trunk of the tree.

These symptoms are often accompanied by wilting leaves and twigs in summer or early fall when temperatures are warmest. The leaves will usually turn brown and die back prematurely, giving the branches an unsightly appearance.

Raywood Ash Trees are susceptible to verticillium wilt because they have thin bark that makes them more susceptible to attack from this fungus.

If you notice any signs of this disease on your tree, contact a professional arborist immediately so they can determine whether or not it has been infected with verticillium wilt!

Raywood ash tree can be messy

The leaves of the raywood ash tree can be messy, especially on windy days when they blow around in the streets and yards of homeowners.

The branches also tend to be brittle and break easily during high winds or snowstorms. In addition, the bark on older trees tends to peel off in long strips, leaving unsightly patches of bare wood exposed on the trunk and branches.

This makes them less attractive as ornamentals than other types of ash trees like black ash (Fraxinus nigra) or red maple (Acer rubrum).


We have discussed not only the pros of a Raywood Ash Tree, but also some of its cons that could provide you with some insights into what this tree will be like if planted in your yard.

In conclusion we can say that, the Raywood ash tree is one of the most popular and versatile trees to have in your backyard. It will undoubtedly add aesthetic appeal to any garden or landscaping project.