Nigella Delft Blue| All You Need to Know About

Nigella Papillosa, commonly known as Nigella Delft Blue is a unique, hardy annual that can add a little drama to any garden.

A native of Europe and the Middle East, this plant features dainty, fern-like foliage and flowers that resemble candles topped with blue and white feathers.

This plant will add texture to your garden with its lacy foliage and eye-catching blooms.

The delicate blue flowers with protruding stamens and long, deep green leaves make it a favourite plant for cottage gardens.

In summer, the flowers bloom on tall, thin stems and they can reach up to 60cm in height.

This plant is perfect to grow as part of an informal border or as a cut flower with other blooms like roses or delphiniums.

How do you grow Nigella Delft blue?

Step 1: Sow your seeds in a tray of well-drained compost. Gently press them into the surface and then cover with a thin layer of grit. This will help keep the seeds from drying out.

Step 2: Cover the tray with a sheet of plastic to protect the seeds from drying out and label it so you can keep track of when you planted them.

Step 3: Keep your seed tray in a warm location (70 – 80 F) until the seeds germinate, usually 10 – 14 days. When they do, remove the plastic and move them to a sunny window or greenhouse.

Step 4: Harden off your seedlings by gradually increasing their exposure to sunlight for about two weeks before transplanting them outside.

Step 5: Plant your Nigella Delft blue in well-drained soil in full sun. Space plants 10 – 12 inches apart so they have plenty of room to grow before they flower around midsummer.

Sunlight for Nigella Delft Blue

The best place for these flowers is a sunny area in your garden.

They need access to direct sunlight, even if it’s only partial sun, to give them the best chance of growing strong.

Watering Nigella Delft Blue

The very first thing you need to know about watering your Nigella Deft Blue plants is that this is a flower that thrives with regular watering.

We recommend watering seedlings until they are established and check the soil every day or two to determine whether or not they need water.

This can be difficult in some climates, but it’s an important step toward having a beautiful garden full of gorgeous blue flowers.

Once your plants are established, you should water them weekly for best results.

You may need to adjust based on factors such as rainfall and weather, and we recommend checking the soil once or twice a week to ensure that it’s moist but not soggy.

Soil for Nigella Delft Blue

If you’re growing Nigella Delft Blue, you’re going to want to make sure your soil is well-drained with a pH level of about 7 and preferably amended with plenty of compost for a rich, loamy medium that will keep this plant healthy and happy.

You can grow it in a container, but be aware that you’ll need a large container if you want to grow more than one plant (they like to have room to spread).

It should be in full sun, and it’s important to avoid planting it in soil that’s had manure added within the last year, as this can cause the plant not to bloom. If you don’t have compost, consider adding some organic fertilizer instead.

The best time of year to plant is early spring, when the soil has begun to thaw but it hasn’t gotten too hot yet.

If you live in an area with cold winters, consider starting your seeds indoors first and then transplanting them into your garden when the weather gets warmer outside.

Temperature for Nigella Delft Blue

Nigella Delft Blue prefers warm climates, with daytime temperatures ranging from 16 to 27 degrees Celsius.

It can tolerate colder temperatures for short periods of time, but it is not frost resistant, so be sure to avoid planting these seeds in the fall if you live in a cold climate.

Is nigella delft blue easy to grow from seed?

Yes, it is easy to grow nigella delft blue from seed.

The other common name for nigella delft blue is Love-in-a-mist. You will often see nigella delft blue in flower arrangements and centerpieces, where its striking color and delicate appearance add beauty.

If you would like to have some of these lovely flowers in your garden next year, you can easily grow them from seeds.

Here’s how:

First, choose a sunny location with well-drained soil. You can start your seeds indoors, but they also do well when planted directly in the ground outside.

Next, prepare the soil by loosening it with a shovel or tiller and removing any rocks or weeds that are present. Add compost if desired (this will help improve your soil), then rake smooth.

Now, sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil and cover with a thin layer of soil (about 1/8 inch).

Firm gently with your hand and water thoroughly. The seeds may sprout within 10-20 days; they will bloom in spring and summer.

Can nigella delft blue be grown in pots?

Yes, you can grow nigella delft blue in pots

Here’s how.

  • Go to your nearest flower store and pick up some seeds. I recommend johnnyseeds, which are high quality and relatively affordable.
  • Purchase a pot that’s at least 8 inches deep, as well as soil, fertilizer, and a small watering can. I got mine for free on Freecycle last week, but you can also find them pretty cheap at thrift stores or online.
  • Fill the pot with soil and make sure to water the soil before planting your seeds—you want it damp, but not wet. Then sprinkle your seeds across the top of the soil so that they’re evenly distributed throughout the pot. The seeds should be about 1/4 inch apart from each other—not packed together in one area or spread too far apart. Then cover them with a thin layer of dirt.
  • Place your pot outside in direct sunlight for several hours every day—at least 4 hours, but more is better if you have time! Just make sure to monitor the soil so that it doesn’t dry out—you want it moist.

How long does it take for nigella delft blue to grow?

You can expect your nigella delft blue seeds to germinate in 10 to 14 days.

Once your plants have begun to form, you’ll need about 60 to 70 days for the flowers to grow and bloom.


Nigella delft blue is truly a wonder of nature. With its incredible color and gorgeous, delicate blooms, it’s no wonder that it’s one of the most popular flowers in the world. The fact that this flower is so easy to grow means it’s also accessible to gardeners of all levels.

Nigella delft blue is a beautiful flower with an intriguing history and a long-standing place in our hearts. We hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about this gorgeous bloom!

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