How To Get Rid Of Invasive Morning Glory

The common morning glory (Ipomoea Purpurea) is a vining plant that grows in warm climates. It has large, heart-shaped leaves and small flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink, or white.

It can grow up to 10 feet tall, and it has long tendrils that help it climb over fences and other barriers. Its seeds are spread by birds and mammals that eat them or carry them away from the parent plant.

Unfortunately, morning glory plants are considered invasive because it has been known to grow so quickly and in such large numbers that it takes over native plants, which can then die out. Which in turn can cause damage to the surrounding ecosystem when they are growing outside of a controlled environment.

If you want to keep your garden looking beautiful, and not like a jungle, then you need to get rid of these pesky weeds as soon as possible! In this article we are going to talk about how you can stop this plant from spreading and getting rid of it completely.

Dig Up Morning Glory Plants

The first and foremost thing someone would do to get rid of morning glory plant is to dig them up. The best way to remove these weeds from your garden is by digging them up before they go to seed and spread their roots throughout your entire yard!

If you have already noticed morning glory spreading through your garden, then you should start digging up root sections as soon as possible because once these plants mature into seedlings, it will be much harder for you to remove them from your yard without damaging any other plants nearby.

To dig up morning glory plants, start by gathering all of the tools that you’ll need for this process: a shovel or spade, gloves, and something to protect your eyes from dirt and debris like goggles or sunglasses.

Once you have all of these things gathered together, carefully pull up each individual plant by its roots until it comes out completely intact.

If any leaves fall off while doing this then make sure not leave any pieces behind as they could still grow back into another plant later on! Once all of these plants are removed from their original locations then bury them deep enough underground.

Spray with vinegar

This simple solution is easy to make and effective at killing these invasive plants.


  • 1 quart white vinegar
  • 1 gallon water
  • Spray bottle (you can use a recycled one)


  1. Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. You can add more vinegar if you want it stronger—just be sure not to add too much, as this could kill your other plants as well!
  2. Spray the plant thoroughly until it is completely wet all over its leaves and stems with the mixture from your spray bottle. You may need more than one application to kill the entire plant, so keep applying the mixture until only dead stems remain on your plant’s surface and no new growth appears within two weeks after treatment has been completed.

Use a Flame Weeder

Using a flame weeder is the easiest way to get rid of morning glory plants. Flame weeders are designed specifically for removing weeds. They produce a flame that burns through the leaves of the plant, killing it quickly and efficiently.

To use one, simply turn on the flame weeder and place it over the leaves of the plant. The weed will burn up almost instantly, leaving behind only ash in its place. You can then use this ash as fertilizer if you wish.

This method is incredibly effective at killing morning glory plants because it doesn’t require any chemicals or manual removal work on your part it’s just one-touch technology!

Cover plants with mulch or black plastic

Using mulch or black plastic is a great and effective way to kill morning glory plants without using chemicals.

Mulch is any kind of organic material that you use to cover the soil around your plants. In this case, you want to spread it over the entire plant so that it can’t get sunlight. You can use hay or straw as mulch, but pine needles are also an excellent choice because they’re light and fluffy and help keep the soil cool in summertime. Place 2-3 inches of mulch over the plant to kill it.

Black plastic is a type of plastic sheeting that has been made specially for gardening purposes. It’s made from recycled materials, so it’s environmentally friendly! It doesn’t let any light through, which means no photosynthesis can occur on top of it. This prevents any growth from happening underneath it as well it stops all life cycles in their tracks!

Cut the plant down before it flowers.

Cutting the plant down before it flowers is the best way to make sure that the plant doesn’t grow back again next year. There are other methods, but they take more time or require specialized equipment. Cutting down the plant with a lawn mower is an option, but if you don’t have one you can use hand tools instead.

If you have a lot of morning glory plants in your yard, consider using a weed whacker instead of a lawn mower or hand tools so that you can get rid of them quickly without having to do too much manual labor on your own! Weed whackers make quick work of weeds because they grind up their roots as well as cutting off their stems at ground level so that they won’t grow back again next year.

Use a Bleach Spray

You can use a bleach spray to kill morning glory plants.

  1. Mix one gallon of water with 1/4 cup of bleach in a bucket. The amount of bleach may need to be adjusted depending on the size of your plant and whether or not it is in bloom.
  2. Pour the solution into a spray bottle, then spray the leaves and stems with it until they are soaked with it.
  3. Repeat this process every three days until all signs of new growth have been eliminated from your plants.

Use a systemic herbicide like RoundUp

If you want to remove all of the morning glory plants in your garden, you can use Roundup or another herbicide spray to control its growth. Use a sprayer to apply a diluted solution of Roundup directly onto the leaves of the plant, being careful not to get any on any other plants nearby if possible (e.g., if they are edible). After spraying the plant thoroughly with Roundup, wait 48 hours before removing it completely from your garden space so that all traces of the herbicide have had time to dissipate from its system before it dies off completely.

If possible try not to spray when there is rain expected within 24 hours because this could cause runoff into nearby areas where it would affect other plants besides just those targeted by this method alone! Use a root killer:

You can also use a product like Roundup if you know how much pesticide is safe to use on your plants; otherwise, call a professional exterminator who knows what products to use safely around your garden without harming your other plants or pets/pets of others living nearby!

Ortho Brush Killer Concentrate

Another way to kill morning glory is by using a soap product that contains potassium salts of fatty acids, like Ortho’s Brush Killer Concentrate. This herbicide works by breaking down cell walls, which kills the plant at its roots. Apply this product according to package directions and then wait for two weeks before removing any dead foliage or seeds from the ground so they won’t regrow.

Grow a cover crop that will shade out the morning glory

Morning glory is a plant that has a tendency to spring up in places you don’t want it to. The most effective way to get rid of it is with a cover crop. A cover crop will shade out morning glory and prevent it from growing.

The best type of cover crop for this purpose is one that grows quickly and has deep roots, such as buckwheat, rye grass etc. By planting these types of crops in your garden, you can keep morning glory under control year-round.

Leave it to professionals

If you have a large amount of morning glory in your yard, consider hiring a professional who has experience dealing with this type of weed problem. They may have access to stronger herbicides that could be more effective than what you can find at home improvement stores or garden centers.


So there you have it! You now know how to control and kill invasive morning glory plants. I hope you found this post helpful, and that you will use these tips when the time comes for you to tackle your own invasive morning glory problem.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comment section below. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading!

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