Fatsia Japonica Yellow Leaves? Here’s Why & How to Prevent It

Fatsia japonica is a popular houseplant known for its large, glossy leaves that lend a tropical feel to any space. Young plants should be kept in lighter shade, but as they develop, you can move them into partial or dappled shade.

Fatsia japonica plants can also be grown as houseplants or container plants that are moved outdoors in summer. Yellowing leaves on fatsia japonica is often due to too much direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves and cause yellowing. Another potential reason for yellow fatsia leaves is cold stress. Lack of water can also cause fatsia yellow leaves. Keeping your plant away from direct sunlight and draughts will help the plant regain its natural green color.

Let’s dive deep into why leaves of fatsia japonica turns yellow.

Lack of Nutrients

Yellow leaves are a common sign that the plant is lacking nutrients. When the leaves of a plant begin to turn yellow, it’s not just a sign that something is wrong; it’s also a chance for you to fix the problem and restore your plant to health.

The most common reason for yellowing leaves is deficiency in nitrogen, which can occur when you’re over-feeding your plant but not giving it enough light or water. If you see yellow leaves on your Fatsia Japonica, try increasing the amount of water you give your plant and making sure it gets plenty of light.

To prevent yellow leafing on your Japanese fatsia, first make sure that you are using a well-draining potting soil. If your plant is growing in a container with no drainage holes and you are watering it frequently, this could cause root rot and lead to yellow leaves.

If you suspect that your plant may be suffering from a lack of nutrients in its soil, try adding some slow-release fertilizer to your watering routine. You can also add compost to your soil every couple of weeks to help provide nutrients for your plants’ growth.


Fatsia Japonica is a beautiful plant with leaves that turn yellow over time. While it’s normal to lose some leaves, if you notice the leaves are turning yellow quickly and dropping off the plant, you may have an over-watered plant.

If your Fatsia Japonica is turning yellow, it’s possible that you’ve been over-watering your plant. Fatsia Japonica plants need to be watered frequently, but not too much. The best way to do this is to water the plant when the top 1/2 inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

If you’re watering your plant too often and causing it to lose too many leaves, try cutting back on your watering schedule until the soil dries out an inch before re-hydrating it with water again. This will allow the roots of your Fatsia Japonica time to absorb more water from deep within its root system rather than from above ground where they’re more susceptible to damage from frequent watering events like rain or sprinklers going off nearby in your yard area which can leach away nutrients from leaves when they’re exposed directly overhead without any protection overhead coverings.


The Fatsia Japonica is an evergreen shrub and can have yellow leaves when it is underwatered. Fatsia japonica is a beautiful plant, but if it’s planted in soil that is too dry for long periods of time, it will begin to produce yellow leaves. This symptom usually occurs when the plant is underwatering or suffering from drought, and can be easily fixed by watering the plant more often.

If your Fatsia japonica starts to show signs of yellow leaves or leaf drop, it is important to determine whether you are dealing with underwatering or drought. To do this, check the soil around the plant for moisture levels by inserting a finger into the soil up to your first knuckle (about 1″). If your finger comes out with moist soil attached, there is likely still adequate water in the soil and you should continue watering as normal. If your finger comes out with dry soil attached, however, this indicates that there is not enough moisture in the soil and you need to increase watering frequency.

Too much sunlight

Fatsia japonica grows best in partial shade or filtered sun. The reason they have yellow leaves is because they are getting too much sunlight. The leaf cells have become damaged and are dying, so the leaf discolors and looks yellow.

This happens when the plant is exposed to too much sunlight, which can happen when the plant is moved from a darker area to a brighter one or if there is an increase in light intensity in the environment where it is growing.

If your Fatsia japonica is turning yellow from too much sunlight, then you can help prevent this from happening again by placing it in partial shade or filtered light instead of full sun. If your Fatsia japonica is already turning yellow from too much sunlight, then make sure to keep it watered often so that it doesn’t dry out completely between waterings.

Poor drainage

Poor drainage is a common problem for Fatsia Japonica, or Japanese aralia. If your plant is experiencing yellow leaves, it may be due to poor drainage in the soil. This can happen if there’s too much water around the roots or if the potting medium has been packed too tightly.

If you think that your plant is suffering from poor drainage, there are several things you can do. First, check to see if there’s standing water in the saucer under the pot. If there is, remove the plant from its container and let it drain for about 15 minutes before putting it back into its original container—or a new one with better drainage capabilities. If there isn’t standing water in the saucer but your plant still has yellow leaves, try repotting it into a different type of potting medium that drains more easily than what was originally used such as a mixture of half peat moss and half perlite.

If repotting isn’t enough to solve the problem, consider adding more holes to the bottom of your plant’s container so that more air can get through and dry out any excess moisture that might be trapped inside.

The soil is too acidic or alkaline

If your Fatsia Japonica is having yellow leaves, it’s likely due to the soil pH being too acidic or alkaline. If you have an acidic soil, Fatsia requires more phosphorus than nitrogen, so add lime and water with a fertilizer with a high phosphorus content. If you have an alkaline soil, add sulfur and water with a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content.

Fatsia prefers neutral soil pH levels, so check your soil when purchasing new plants from nurseries or garden centers to make sure they’re growing in optimal conditions before planting them in your yard or garden.

Low Humidity

They are native to Japan, where their natural environment is humid and wet. Humidity levels must be kept between 50% and 70% for the plant to thrive, with higher humidity being better for its health. If you live in an area with low humidity (less than 30%), you can bring your plant inside during the winter months, or even grow it inside year-round if you have a large enough space available for it.

If you’re growing Fatsia Japonica in a dry climate, try watering them more often and make sure the soil stays moist but not soggy. You can also try putting a layer of mulch on top of your soil like straw or grass clippings. This will help keep moisture in the ground longer and prevent evaporation from above.

Transplanted Recently

Fatsia Japonica can have yellow leaves because they have been transplanted recently. When you transplant a plant, the root system of the plant changes to acclimate to its new environment. It’s not uncommon for plants to lose their leaves and turn yellow or brown after transplanting, but this is a normal part of the process. The plant needs time to adjust its root system and re-establish itself in its new home.

[su_note note_color=”#dcdac2″]To encourage your Fatsia Japonica to grow healthy and strong again, follow these tips:

Water your plant regularly, but do not over-water it.

Make sure the soil is well-drained, so that water does not sit on top of the soil for too long.

Fertilize your plant with a balanced fertilizer every month during spring and summer months.[/su_note]

Infested by Pests

Fatsia Japonica is having yellow leaves because it is infested by pests. There are several different types of pests that can affect Fatsia Japonica, including aphids, scale insects, and mites. These pests thrive in warm weather and often appear in early summer when the plants are in full bloom.

Aphids are small insects that feed on and damage plants. They can be green, black, brown, pink or red in color. They can also be winged or wingless. Aphids suck the sap from plants and damage their roots by piercing them with their mouthparts. The leaves of the Fatsia Japonica will turn yellow if the plant is infested by aphids.

Scale insects are tiny insects that can be brown, grayish or black in color. They feed on sap from leaves and stems of plants and cause them to wilt and die prematurely. Scale insects can also cause permanent damage to the plant if not treated immediately. The leaves of Fatsia Japonica will turn yellow if there is an infestation of scale insects.

Mites are tiny spiders that suck sap from plants causing them to wilt prematurely and eventually die off completely if left untreated for too long a period of time. Mites can also cause permanent damage to plants if left unchecked for too long a period of time so it is important to treat them as soon as possible to avoid any further damage being done.

There are several ways you can protect your Fatsia Japonica from these pests:

1) Spray every week with water mixed with neem oil or insecticidal soap

2) Remove affected parts immediately

3) Clean up fallen leaves regularly

Might be in the wrong season for your area

Fatsia Japonica, or the Japanese aralia, is a beautiful indoor plant that is native to Japan. It’s evergreen, so you can enjoy its beautiful leaves year-round. However, if your Fatsia has yellow leaves, it might be in the wrong season for your area and here’s why.

Fatsia Japonica is a tropical plant that thrives in humid environments with high temperatures and plenty of sunlight. The only time it’s supposed to be indoors is during the winter months when other plants are dormant due to cold weather outside. When you bring it inside during the summer months (or any time when there isn’t enough rain or humidity), you risk drying out its roots and stressing it out with too much light exposure from artificial lighting sources like lamps or ceiling lights. This can cause brown spots on new growth as well as yellow leaves near the bottom of older branches by depriving them of water and nutrients through a process known as chlorosis (which occurs when there isn’t enough magnesium in soil).

If you notice yellowing on new growth or anywhere else on your Fatsia, try watering more frequently until they turn green again![su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbIuEPpsA3w” width=”500″ height=”360″]


Thanks for reading this article about Fatsia japonica and its yellow leaves. We hope you’ve enjoyed it, and that it has helped you gain a deeper understanding of the issue!

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