Dancing Dolphin Vine | All You Need To Know About

What is a Dancing Dolphin Vine?

The Dancing Dolphin Vine plant (Columnea Gloriosa) has a name that says it all. Its flowers are shaped like dolphins leaping out of water, and they’re just too adorable.

Dancing Dolphin Vines  is grown for its vibrant foliage, it grow best in medium light, but they can handle low light as well. They don’t like direct sunlight, which will burn the leaves.

This houseplant is great for those who are looking for an indoor plant that doesn’t need much care and can thrive on neglect.

The reason it’s called a vine is because it has tendrils that wrap around supports, making it look like a miniature jungle gym for plants. It’s perfect for hanging baskets or tubs, as long as you provide plenty of space for its growth (about 2-3 feet).

This beautiful plant is extremely versatile and can be used in any number of settings. It’s perfect for small spaces, as it only grows to about 20cm (8 inches) tall. But it also looks fantastic in larger pots or on staircases, where its leaves will cascade down the sides of the container.

And if you like to change up your decor often (and we do!), this is the plant for you its leaves are dark green that make it easy to incorporate into any color scheme.

Dancing Dolphin Vines look great by themselves, but they also work well with other houseplants to create an interesting combination of textures and colors.

They’re great companions for Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Aglaonema plants because they all have similar needs when it comes to light and water requirements.

Why they’re Called ‘Dancing Dolphins’?

They’re called “dancing dolphins” because their flowers look like dolphins leaping in the water. The flowers are vibrant orange color and have a ruffled appearance that looks like a dolphin’s fins.

How to Grow Dancing Dolphins Vine?

It’s easy to grow Dancing Dolphin Vines from seed, but you’ll have better luck with cuttings than seeds if you want blooms right away.

You can purchase cuttings from garden centers or online retailers, or take them from your own plants after they’ve flowered.

If you’re planting new vines outdoors, choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil that gets plenty of water throughout the growing season but not too much at once!

Morning sun exposure is ideal for this vine because it can burn easily during hot midday hours if planted too close to an east-facing wall or fence where afternoon sun hits directly overhead without any shade blocking its rays until late afternoon when shadows start creeping across.

Care of the Dancing Dolphin Vine

Watering: The Dancing Dolphin Vine is a vigorous grower, so it needs plenty of water and nutrients as it grows. Make sure the soil is evenly moist at all times, but avoid overwatering. You can tell if the soil is too wet by poking your finger into it if it feels like a sponge, the soil is too wet; if it feels like crumbled cheese, the soil is too dry.

Fertilize: One of the best things about Dancing Dolphin Vine is that it doesn’t need a ton of maintenance. In fact, if you just let it grow, it will thrive with very little intervention from you. But if you want to make sure your vine is in tip-top shape and ready for any summertime party, there are a few things you can do to help keep it looking its best.

Dancing Dolphin Vine should be fertilized once every month during growing season, usually from May through September. This will provide the nutrients necessary to keep your vine healthy and strong as well as encourage growth so that it stays green longer into fall and winter.

There are many different types of fertilizer out there we suggest using slow-release pellets or granules because they break down slowly over time rather than all at once like liquid or powder may do if used incorrectly. And while there are some organic options available, we recommend sticking with chemical-based fertilizers because they tend to be more effective when used correctly.

You can also add a bit of mulch around the base of your Dancing Dolphin Vine if desired; this helps keep air temperature down which helps protect against frost damage during cold weather months!

Potting Mix for Dancing Dolphin Vine: Orchid bark mix is the best potting mix for Dancing Dolphin Vine.

It’s lightweight and drains well, so it won’t make your plant’s roots sit in water. It also has a high cation exchange capacity (CEC), which means that it has a lot of nutrients.

These are important because Dancing Dolphin Vine needs lots of nutrients to grow properly! Finally, it has great aeration, which helps prevent root rot and other problems from developing.

Orchid bark mix is a mixture of sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and charcoal. It provides the right amount of moisture retention, drainage, and aeration to keep your Dancing Dolphin Vine happy and healthy.

How to Prune a Dancing Dolphin Vine?

If you’re looking to prune your Dancing Dolphin Vine, you can do so freely to maintain the size you desire.

One of the best things about this plant is that it can be pruned at any time of year. The only caveat is that it should be done during a time when the plant is not in bloom.

If you want to keep your vine from growing too large, simply prune off any part that has become too long and take care of any dead or dying branches. You may also want to cut back any branches that are growing too close together.


This concludes my post on Dancing Dolphin vine. I hope that you found it useful, and that you continue following me for more tips, advice and other posts on house plants.

So, if you’re ready to try something new for your house, why don’t you buy Dancing Dolphin Vine and sweeten up that corner of your home? I’m sure the plant will be a great conversation starter with visiting guests.

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