Creeping Fig Dying? Here’s Why & How to Save It

If your creeping fig is dying, it is likely due to over-watering and too much sun. The best way to avoid this problem in the future is to be sure that you aren’t overwatering, and that you keep your creeping fig in partial shade at least part of the time.

The creeping fig plant, also known as Ficus Pumila, is a small flowering plant that is native to parts of Asia and Southeastern United States. It grows in warm climates and is often used as an indoor houseplant.

Creeping fig plants are a wonderful addition to any garden. They are easy to grow, and make the perfect addition to any garden bed. These plants are very versatile and can be used in almost any type of setting. They can be used as ground cover or they can be planted in pots as well. The creeping fig plant is also a great choice for those who have limited space in their garden. These plants do not require much care, but they do need some water during dry periods and they will also require some pruning from time to time.

Creeping fig plants are not hard to take care off but if you don’t know how then they will die easily because you might kill them by over watering them or by not watering them enough. Here we will discuss how you can keep your creeping fig alive for years without any problems at all!

Too Much Water

The creeping fig is a beautiful plant that can be used in a variety of ways. It can be grown as a ground cover, in containers, or as a hanging plant. It does best in partial shade and prefers moist soil.

However, if you notice that your creeping fig plant is not doing well, it may be because it’s being overwatered. If the leaves are turning yellow and falling off, or if they are wilting or curling up, this is an indication that there is too much water on the plant’s roots.

The best way to prevent this is to make sure that your creeping fig gets at least four hours of sunlight per day and has plenty of drainage holes in its pot or container. You should also check the soil every few days to see if it needs watering; use your finger to test the soil’s moisture level by pressing down gently on top of it. When it feels dry 2 inches below the surface, water your plant until water starts coming out through the drainage holes again.

Over-watering may also result in fungal growth on the soil surface or within the soil/root ball. In this case you should repot into fresh potting mix and allow the soil to dry completely between waterings.

Too little water

The creeping fig is a beautifully hardy, drought-tolerant plant. It’s also a relatively easy one to care for as long as you have the right conditions.

The creeping fig (Ficus pumila) is a small plant that grows horizontally rather than vertically and can be used to cover walls or fences. It’s relatively easy to care for, but it does need water occasionally. If your creeping fig isn’t getting enough water, it may start dying back on one side or the other of the main stem.

This is because when it doesn’t get enough water, the roots don’t have enough energy to pump sap up into the leaves so they start dying off at the bottom of the plant. The leaves will eventually turn brown and fall off as well. If this happens, don’t worry! The plant should recover over time with regular watering and fertilizing.

Too much sun

The creeping fig plant is a beautiful, easy-to-grow houseplant that can thrive in medium to bright indirect light. But if it’s exposed to too much sun it can be damaged.

The creeping fig plant has a shallow root system, which means that its roots are close to the surface of the soil. This makes them vulnerable to drying out when they get too much sun. The leaves of a creeping fig plant will usually turn yellow and begin to drop off when this happens.

The solution is simple: move your creeping fig plant into partial shade or into another area where it will get less direct sunlight. You may need to water it more frequently than you did before as well.

Low Humidity

If your creeping fig plant is showing signs of dying, the most likely cause is a lack of humidity. This plant loves to grow in humid environments, and if it’s not getting enough water, it will dry out and start to die.

To fix this problem, make sure you’re watering your plant frequently about once a week and adding moisture to the soil. You can also add some extra humidity to your home by placing your creeping fig near a humidifier or running one yourself. This should help it recover quickly!

Too much fertilizer

When you’re fertilizing your creeping fig, try sticking with organic fertilizer only (such as compost or bone meal). Over-fertilization can cause root rot and make it difficult for the plant to absorb nutrients from the soil, which could lead to death in extreme cases.

Too Cold

The creeping fig is a tropical plant that needs warm temperatures to thrive.

The creeping fig plant is not suited to cold weather. If you live in an area where the temperature regularly drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, you should not attempt to grow this plant outdoors.

The creeping fig plant needs to be kept at a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. It’ll die if you drop the temperature below 50 degrees F, and it can tolerate temperatures up to 80 degrees F if you only go that high briefly. But if it gets too cold for an extended period of time, the creeping fig plant will eventually die.

Too much salt

One common cause of failure is salt damage. The creeping fig needs to be watered with distilled water or rainwater, and it should never be given any fertilizer with salt in it. If your plant is receiving too much salt from the soil or the water you give it, it will begin to suffer yellowing leaves and die back at the tips of its branches.

Pests Infestation

The creeping fig plant is a beautiful plant that adds a lot of color and texture to any home. It’s a great houseplant for beginners, since it’s easy to care for, and it can help purify the air in your home.

Unfortunately, there are some pests that can sometimes attack this plant. The most common ones are aphids, mealy bugs and scale. These tiny pests are hard to see with the naked eye, so it’s important to keep an eye on your plants and look for signs of infestation before they get out of control.

Aphids are tiny insects that suck sap from plants. They’re usually green or yellowish-green in color and can be found on new growths on your creeping fig plant. They tend to cluster together in groups on the underside of leaves or around stems where they lay eggs that hatch into more aphids which then begin sucking sap from your plant as well if not removed quickly enough!

Mealy bugs are another type of sap-sucking pest that looks similar but they have waxy white coats over their bodies instead of green/yellowish colors like aphids do which makes them easier to spot and remove before they cause too much damage!

Scale can be another problem for creeping figs. Scale look like tiny brown bumps on the surface of your creeping fig plant’s leaves or stems. They secrete an oily substance called honeydew that attracts ants and creates a moldy appearance on your plant’s leaves and stems.

To prevent this from happening to your own creeping fig plants, make sure to inspect them for signs of pests regularly. If you spot any bugs on your plant, try spraying them with an insecticidal soap solution and making sure there are no dead leaves on their branches or stems. This will help keep them from spreading to other parts of your garden![su_youtube url=”” width=”500″ height=”360″]


I hope this blog has helped you identify why your creeping fig is dying and what you can do to keep it alive.

Creeping figs are beautiful plants that can add a lot of character to any garden. As long as you keep them well-watered and in a good location, they should do well for years to come!

Thanks for reading 🙂

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