Clivia Leaves Turning Yellow? Here’s why & How to Save It

The most common causes of clivia leaves turning yellow include overwatering, underwatering, poor soil, and temperature fluctuations.

Clivia plants, also known as kaffir lilies, are easy to maintain. You can even leave them in the same pot for years without repotting them, which is great if your plant doesn’t like repotting or if you don’t want to spend money on new pots. But Clivia plants aren’t immune to illness or injury and yellow leaves are a big indicator that something’s wrong!

It is not uncommon for Clivia leaves to turn yellow. This is usually a sign of too much water, which can cause the plant to rot. If your Clivia is not in a pot, you should also check for signs of insects or other pests that could be sucking the life out of your plant. You may also see yellowing leaves if your plant is being overfed with fertilizer.

If your plant is potted, check it regularly for signs of root rot or soil that has become too wet. If you notice any brown, mushy roots on the bottom of your pot, it’s time to replant it in fresh soil. If you notice leaf yellowing only on some leaves while others remain green and healthy looking, then this could be an indication that there is something else going wrong with your plant’s health and you should take action immediately before further damage occurs! In this article we will talk about some of the reasons and solutions for Clivia leaves turning yellow.

Direct Sunlight

Clivia are beautiful plants that are native to South Africa. They’re super easy to grow and thrive in low-light conditions, which is why they make such wonderful houseplants. However, if you’ve had your plant for more than a few months, you may notice that some of its leaves are turning yellow.

And one of the most common reason is direct sunlight. If your Clivia is getting too much sunlight, it will start to turn yellow or brown on the edges of its leaves as they dry out and die off. If this happens, try moving your plant into indirect light instead like near a window so that it doesn’t get burned by direct sunlight!

This will help prevent leaf burn, which can be fatal for your plant if not addressed quickly enough.

Cold Temperature

Clivia plants are particularly susceptible to cold temperatures, so if you’re in an area with a long, cold winter, don’t be surprised if your Clivia has yellow leaves.

In general, Clivia plants prefer warm weather and will begin to show signs of stress when the temperature drops below 50 degrees F. If your plant is being affected by cold temperatures, it’s best to move it into a warmer area until winter is over.


Overwatering is the most common reason for your clivia leaves to turn yellow. It’s a common misconception that plants need to be watered often, but in fact they can become too wet and actually die if they’re over-watered.

Clivias need to be given water only once per week, or every two weeks at most. If your clivia has been planted in a pot, use a spray bottle filled with water and mist the leaves by spraying them lightly. If you have an outdoor garden, you can add a layer of mulch around your clivia to prevent it from staying too wet.


Clivia plants are heavy feeders, and need regular doses of fertilizer throughout their growing season. If they aren’t getting enough nutrients, they will start to show signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves.

To prevent this problem in the future, make sure to water your plant regularly and give it a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the summer months.


Clivias require very little water, but if you’re not giving them enough water, their leaves will turn yellow as a result of dehydration.

You can tell whether your Clivia is getting enough water by looking at its leaves. If they’re healthy and dark green, you’re probably doing great. But if they’re pale and yellowish or even brown, then you may need to increase the amount of water you give it.

If you are using a potting mix, be sure to water your Clivia frequently enough that the soil never dries out between waterings.

If your Clivia is in soil, make sure you don’t let the soil get too dry between watering. In general, watering once per week should be sufficient for most Clivias.

You should also make sure that the pot or container has sufficient drainage holes so that excess water can drain away from the roots and prevent root rot.

Pests or Disease

Another reason for yellowing leaves is an underlying disease or pest infestation that has become advanced enough to show symptoms on the surface of the plant itself. If you notice any wilted or discolored leaves on the plant, they probably haven’t been there long enough to show discoloration yet so these are likely signs of other issues at play inside of your clivia’s roots system!


This means that the roots of your plant have grown so much that they are unable to get the nutrients they need from the soil. In an attempt to get more nutrients, they will start to steal them from other parts of the plant, which results in yellowing leaves.

To fix this problem, you can simply repot your plant into a larger pot once every year or two. This allows it to spread out its roots, giving them room to grow and giving them access to more nutrients and water.


What kind of water should I use when watering my clivia?

Clivias prefer rainwater or distilled water because it’s more pure than tap water, which contains chemicals that can harm your plant. You don’t have to use these kinds of water every time you water, but once every few weeks will help keep your plant healthy!

What is the Clivia plant?

The Clivia plant is a tropical plant that is native to South Africa and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. The flowers are bright orange and yellow, and the leaves are dark green and leathery. It has also been used as a remedy for many ailments including arthritis and inflammation.

Can I repot my clivia plant?

Yes! Repotting is a great way to keep your clivia healthy and looking its best. You can do this once every year or two if you’d like just make sure you use a pot that’s just slightly larger than the one your plant currently lives in. Don’t be afraid to give your plant some space!

Where should I place my clivia?

Clivia plants prefer bright light but not direct sunlight, so they should be placed somewhere in your home where they’ll get a little bit of sun each day but won’t be exposed directly to any strong rays of light.[su_youtube url=”” width=”500″ height=”360″]


I hope you’ve found this article helpful! I know it can be frustrating when your Clivia leaves start turning yellow, but if you follow the tips in this article, you should be able to get your plant back on track in no time.

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