What is Amydrium Zippelianum?
The Amydrium zippelianum Plant is one of the better known house plants available.
Native to Papua New Guinea, Maluku Islands, Sulawesi, and the Philippines, Amydrium zippelianum is a vining plant that looks like a mini Palm.
There are multiple common names for Amydrium zippelianum such as Epipremnopsis magnifica, Epipremnum asperatum, Epipremnum elmerianum, Epipremnopsis zippeliana, Amydrium magnificum, Epipremnum luzonense, Epipremnum magnificum, Epipremnum mampuanum, Epipremnum sorsogonense, Epipremnum miniatum, Epipremnum philippinense, , Epipremnum zippelianum, Pothos miniatus Zipp, Rhaphidophora zippeliana, Rhaphidophora warburgii,
This species is a fast growing climber with robust stems. The stem has a diameter of 3.5 cm while internodes are 6 cm long on fertile shoots although often considerably longer on foraging shoots.
The main stems climb or prostrate, clinging and not giving rise to fertile free lateral shoots but plants often producing long slender terminal or lateral flagellae with reduced cataphylls (foraging shoots).
Roots are produced from stem nodes, robust, and 4 mm in diameter.
Leaves are large that grows up to 125 X 90 cm although it is often considerably smaller in cultivation.
The lamina has an ovate-cordate outline while pinnatisect often to the mid-rib and the pinnae are usually separated by 1-4 cm naked axis.
The inflorescence of Amydrium is unique among the Araceae. It is a sessile to distinctly stipitate spadix, 3-8 cm × 1-2 cm when flowering, up to 22 cm × 5.5 cm when fruiting, enclosed in a reflexing and quickly deciduous yellowish spathe.
Its flowers are bisexual and do not have tepals. Four stamens are present along with an ovary which is superior. The fruit produced by Amydrium zippelianum is fleshy and whitish-green to orange in color, with one or two seeds present per fruit.
How do you take care of Amydrium Zippelianum?
Amydrium Zippelianum is an extremely popular and easy to grow species
Watering should be done 3-7 days depending on the season. During spring/summer months, keep the soil evenly moist or slightly dry between watering.
Do not let the plant sit in water for long periods of time. In fall/winter months, reduce watering to about once every 7-10 days or when the soil dries out.
The Zippelianum does best under medium light. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can burn the leaves.
Read on to know more!
What kind of light does amydrium zippelianum need?
Amydrium zippelianum is a fairly easy plant to grow. It likes a humid environment and filtered light, but not direct sunlight.
In the wild, it grows in the understory of the jungle. This means it gets dappled light between trees and bright light most of the day, but not direct sunlight. In the home, this translates to indirect sun or shade.
If your amydrium has yellowing leaves, you’re giving it too much light. If some of its leaves are browning along the edges (and are otherwise healthy), they may be getting too much sun, so move it to a shadier spot.
If your plant has lots of browning all over its leaves, you’re getting too much sun on it all at once you can either reduce its exposure by moving it to a shadier spot or putting up a sheer curtain between it and the window (or both).
What temperature does amydrium zippelianum need?
The best temperature range is between 18°C and 25°C. They dislike cold drafts, protect them from air conditioning and heating vents and radiator heat.
How can I make sure amydrium zippelianum has enough humidity?
The amydrium zippelianum requires a humid climate, as it is a tropical plant.
Amydrium zippelianum does not tolerate dry air. It needs high humidity and appreciates regular misting, especially during the warmer months.
The ideal humidity requirement for the amydrium zippelianum is approximately 50-60%.
When should I water amydrium zippelianum?
Water once weekly and allow the potting mix to dry out before watering.
Water thoroughly and allow excess water to drain from the potting container. Allow the potting mix to dry out somewhat between waterings.
During the spring through summer months, water thoroughly once a week and allow top 1-inch of soil to dry out before watering again. During winter, only water enough to keep the soil from drying out completely.
How do I fertilize amydrium zippelianum?
In the spring and summer, fertilize your plant with a slow-release fertilizer according to label directions.
Once the temperatures begin to cool in mid-autumn, cease fertilizing and reduce watering frequency.
What is the potting mix for amydrium zippelianum?
The best mix for this plant is a mix of 35 % Potting Soil +40 % cocopeat + 15 % Organic manure/Vermicompost + 5 % charcoal chips + 5 % perlite.
These ingredients are inexpensive and easily available at any nursery or gardening store.
Perlite is an excellent soil conditioner that improves aeration and drainage, thus allowing the roots to grow healthier.
Charcoal chips improve the structure of the soil and provide porous surfaces for microorganisms to flourish in.
Cocopeat is used as a substitute for peat moss which is not available in most parts, it increases the water holding capacity of the soil and provides aeration, thus improving the structure of your soil.
Organic manure or Vermicompost is used to improve the fertility of the soil by providing essential nutrients to your plant.
Potting Soil adds bulk to your growing medium and contains clay particles which act as binding agents between other particles in your growing medium.
When does amydrium zippelianum need to be repotted?
The main reason to repot would be because the plant has basically filled up the old pot with its roots and is spilling out over the edge of the pot.
You can check for this by carefully pulling on the base of the fronds; if you feel resistance from roots, then you know they have reached the edge of the pot.
The timing of repotting Amydrium zippelianum depends on the plant’s growth rate. This can be affected by growing conditions, so there’s no hard and fast rule.
Amydrium zippelianum is a slow grower under most conditions, but some growers have reported faster growth on their plants.
If your plant is outgrowing its pot, repot it into something slightly larger when the weather warms in spring. It doesn’t need to be done every year.
When to plant or transplant?
It’s best to transplant it in the spring when it’s new and young.
If you are looking after amydrium zippelianum in pots and want to ensure that they reach their maximum growth potential, it is important that you transplant them as it have certain root growth.
Do I need to prune amydrium zippelianum?
The ideal pruning time for the amydrium zippelianum is during late winter or early spring before new growth begins.
Some gardeners prefer to prune again in mid- to late summer, after flowering. Trim off broken, damaged or diseased foliage as you see it through the growing season.
Keep your amydrium plant from becoming pot bound because a tight root system stunts growth and causes the leaves to become yellow and drop.
Repotting also gives you the opportunity to trim off any dead roots that have formed at the bottom of the root ball.
Pests and diseases:
Like many other plants, Amydrium zippelianum can suffer from pests and diseases. Most of them are related to excess moisture or improper care.
A number of pests can attack Amydrium zippelianum.
Among the most common are mealybugs, spider mites, scale insects and thrips.
You can remove them by hand and then control them with insecticidal soap spray.
Typically, pests damage plants by sucking their juice or causing mechanical damage to the leaves or stems.
They usually settle on the stems and leaves, less often on the roots.
If a large number of pests settle on Amydrium zippelianum, then it can lead to a decrease in its decorative qualities or even death of the plant.
Diseases are much less common than pests. The most common disease is root rot.
In conclusion, Amydrium zippelianum Plant is a wonderful plant to have in your home or garden.
It looks beautiful and provides many benefits. You can use it as a decoration, which makes your home look more beautiful and appealing.
If you are interested in having one of these plants in your home, there are many places where you can buy them.
I hope this post has given you some ideas on how to care for Amydrium zippelianum Plant.