Alocasia Sinuata ‘Quilted Dreams’ Ultimate Care Guide

Alocasia Sinuata, also called Alocasia Quilted Dreams, is a flowering plant in the family Araceae.

Its origins are limited to the limestone forests of Samar, Leyte, and parts of Mindanao in the Philippines. The species was first described by botanist Nicholas Edward Brown in 1885.

But this flowery jungle dweller has an even smaller distribution today.

It has been classified as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature due to its limited range and threats from habitat destruction and invasive species.

In its natural habitat on limestone hills and mountains, Alocasia Sinuata grows along streams and in rocky areas in open forest and at high elevations.

The plant is also very common on limestone pavements. As well as in primary forests, this species has been recorded growing in secondary forests and disturbed areas such as cultivated fields and roadsides.

Alocasia sinuata is a perennial herb with a plump, tuberous rhizome which reaches up to 14 inches in height. The leaves are 8-10 inches long and the inflorescence is an erect raceme.

The species typically blooms in spring and summer. The flowers are small, greenish-yellow, and inconspicuous.

It’s the perfect addition to any household or office!

Alocasia Sinuata ‘Quilted Dreams’ Care


When it comes to light, Alocasia Sinuata likes bright, indirect light.

You can put your alocasia in a west- or east-facing window where it will get plenty of light but won’t be in direct sunlight.

You may also use a fluorescent lamp that is placed at an adequate distance from the plant.

Watering: This plant is a rainforest dweller, so it likes its soil to remain moist.

If you let the soil dry out completely between waterings, this plant will be sad.

Try watering deeply (until water runs out of the drainage hole) and then allowing the top couple inches of soil to dry out before watering again.

You can also mist your plant with a spray bottle to help it feel at home in your house.


Alocasia Sinuata needs at least 50% humidity to stay healthy and happy, but the higher the better.

That may sound like a lot, but it’s really not too difficult to achieve in an average home or apartment.

If you have a humidifier in your space, set it to 50% and keep it running as much as possible.

Alternatively, you might want to consider getting a pebble tray for your plant these can be purchased at most garden stores or online and are relatively inexpensive.

Potting Mix

A rich, well-drained potting medium will encourage your Alocasia Sinuata to grow.

The best potting mix for an Alocasia Sinuata is a blend of peat moss, fir bark, perlite and sand.

These ingredients promote good drainage while retaining water and nutrients.

It is important that the growing medium be thoroughly moistened before planting.

Place the potting mixture in a bucket and add enough water to saturate it.

Mix well with your hands or a small shovel. Allow the mixture to drain for up to an hour before proceeding.


The Alocasia is native to the Philippines and parts of Malaysia and Taiwan.

It is a tropical plant, so it thrives in warm, humid weather. This plant loves temperatures that stay between 70-78 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 21-26 degrees Celsius.

If you keep your plant outside during the summer months and live in a climate that gets cooler at night, bring your Alocasia indoors after sunset and don’t put it back outside until morning; if the temperature drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 15 degrees Celsius, the plant will suffer.

If you’re keeping your Alocasia inside for the winter months, make sure that it’s near a window, the more natural sunlight it receives, the better, and keep an eye on the thermostat.

As long as the temperature stays above 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius), your Alocasia will be happy!


Fertilizer for this type of plant should be applied once every month in the spring and summer months.

It is important that you use a fertilizer that has micronutrients to keep the plant healthy and strong.

You want to make sure that the ingredients in your fertilizer are not harmful to other plants or animals, especially if you plan on growing the sinuata outside.

The plant needs nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to grow.

Nitrogen helps with the leaf growth, potassium is good for the root system. And phosphorus helps the plant to produce more flowers.

When fertilizing your alocasia sinuata, it is important to remember not to over-fertilize it.

If you over-fertilize your alocasia sinuata, then its leaves may turn yellow or brown and fall off.

Instead of using too much fertilizer, use just enough so that your sinuata has enough nutrients without drowning them with too many additives.


Alocasia can be propagated by division of tuberous rhizomes or tubers in early spring or by seed.

The large-scale propagation of Alocasia species using seed is not common due to the lack of seeds or their low germination rate.

Alocasia sinuata are easily propagated by division of the rhizomes.

Small suckers form around the base of the plant which detach easily from the rhizome when disturbed, and these can be planted in a moist, well-drained potting medium.

The shoot should be buried under approximately 2 inches of soil and watered regularly until new growth appears.


This plant needs to be repotted every 2 years and likes a well-draining, peaty soil.

The best time to repot an Alocasia is in the springtime. Here are the steps you should take to successfully repot your plant:

  1. Add water to the potting mix you’ve chosen, making sure it’s wet but not dripping.
  2. Take your Alocasia out of its current pot by carefully tipping over the pot and tapping on it to loosen the soil from the edges.
  3. Use one hand to hold your plant steady at its base and remove excess soil from around the roots using your other hand, being careful not to damage them too much.
  4. Place your plant in its new pot on top of a layer of soil this will help it stand straight in its new home. Make sure you’ve chosen a large enough pot that it doesn’t feel cramped by its new container.
  5. Fill up the remaining space with soil until it’s about 2/3 full and press down gently on the soil around the roots.

Pests and diseases

The most common disease affecting the Alocasia Sinuata is called ‘Rhizome rot’ or ‘Corm rot’.

This is a soil-borne fungal disease that can be caused by too much moisture in the soil and by planting the rhizome in poorly drained soil.

It’s a good idea to change your watering habits and make sure water doesn’t pool on top of or below the soil.


Alocasia Sinuata grows quickly, especially in the summer, its growth slows down in winter.

The best time to prune is at the end of winter, just before its new growth cycle begins.

You’ll want to cut back any stems that have slowed or stopped growing they will be brown and woody instead of green and soft.

How to Prune: Pruning instruments should be sharp so as not to tear the plant. If you don’t have professional equipment, cut your stems with a clean pair of scissors.

Where to Cut: You can make your cuts anywhere along the stem, if you’d like your plant to branch out more, leave some leaves on the stem when you cut it back; this will encourage new growth from that area.


Is Alocasia Sinuata rare?

Yes, Alocasia Sinuata is a rare and endemic plant of the Philippines.

Why is the alocasia Sinuata endangered?

Alocasia Sinuata is classified as critically endangered by IUCN due to its rarity in the wild.

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